
To witness Susan's effect on the blank page is like watching an acid react to litmus. The results are explicit, expressive, and clear - no surprise as she spent over three decades looking for hues and patterns at the bottom of microscopes and test tubes. When Susan retired as a Medical Laboratory Technologist and decided to pick up a pencil and paint brush, she was immediately prolific. Her artwork, imitative of the life around her, is striking in its precision and details; displaying the artist's innate instinct for shapes and colours. Whether rendered in acrylic, watercolour, coloured pencil, or pastels each piece captures the spirit of its inspiration.

Susan expresses a delicious joy in seeing a painting begin to breathe, when two dimensions become more like three and an image that is uniquely hers, emerges.
The joy also lies with sharing her love of what she creates and the hope that others enjoy it as well